Post-Quantum Universe
A hyopthetical painting
that might convey the nature of souls

I’ve had an idea for a while for a painting that might somehow give form to this view.  It would involve shapes similar to the white glow-in-the-dark plastic balls that were popular for a while in the late Sixties.  A group of people (typically after smoking some weed) would turn out all the lights in a room, then toss one or more of these objects around to one another, sometimes giggling, and sometimes giving voice to more weighty observations (like “Oh, wow).”

The painting in my mind would be a nighttime panorama of an arid valley ringed by craggy mountains.  In the foreground at the summit of one of these would be the figure of an elderly man, his spent body splitting apart vertically from the head down (as in a Salvador Dali painting) to enable the glowing orb of his soul to rise up into the darkened sky.
Farther back on the same mountaintop, a few similar shapes would be in different stages of escape from the human bodies that had previously fully contained them—some souls barely beginning to emerge, others already free and streaking skyward.

From the mountains on the opposite side of the valley, many more such radiant dots of energy would also rise and soar toward their ultimate destination:  high up in the sky, an innumerable multitude of pinpoint gleams forming a vast floating island, with its component points clustering like galaxies in the breathtaking views we’ve only recently begun to see via the highest-resolution space telescopes.