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People pay for tropical, Third-World, and even wilderness-oriented virtual reality experiences.

A good many resort towns are virtual reality zones.  The crucial differentiator between these and more real places is not just that resorts are places where people go to get away from it all.  For example, a city dweller might stay with relatives on a farm to get away from it all, yet by being immersed in the ongoing and eminently real flow of rural life, could hardly be said to be experiencing virtual reality.  What distinguishes true virtual reality environments is that they exist primarily to provide a type of experience that is at variance with, and in isolation from, the life going on around them. 

Thus, a cluster of self-contained and inwardly-focused luxury resort hotels in an otherwise impoverished third-world country, sitting on an artificially created beach of trucked-in sand, surrounded by palm trees that do not grow naturally in the region, with services and entertainment provided by a staff wearing "native" garb that is unlike what anyone outside of the resort wears, with music that no one outside of the hotel plays, qualifies as a bona fide virtual-reality experience.

A more blatantly improbable “experience” awaits those who pay top dollar to stay in miniature-scale re-creations of New York, Egypt, Venice, or a host of other new faux destinations in the desert sands of Las Vegas.

Even wilderness-oriented activities like river rafting trips can be largely virtual experiences.  This is particularly the case when the "wilderness" in which they operate is a relatively thin strip of trees in an otherwise settled residential area, all the camp-making work is performed by the staff, the staff pilots the rafts while the patrons waggle their paddles more or less irrelevantly, and it takes conscious effort and good steering to get into the few areas of white water in an otherwise broad and placid stream.