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that refine what you have just read
We, the
Spectator-Consumers (Robert Winter)
Feeling small and
insignificant. (Robert Winter)
Those without special
gifts have an
even harder time feeling like "somebodies." (Robert Winter)
The world of our
direct experience
continues to be dwarfed by the realm of media. (Robert
Today's celebrity
system represents
a potent form of secular mythology. (Robert
Even the tiniest shred
of media
celebrity can help an ordinary person feel like "somebody."
(Robert Winter)
Maybe we're
"programmed" to
consider the people we watch more important than ourselves.
(Robert Winter)
The media present a
realm beyond
most people's experience or contact as the most significant dimension
of contemporary life. (Robert Winter)
Overvaluing the "media
world" can
profoundly devalue those of us whose frame of refernce is the real
world. (Robert Winter)