Since the traditional legal power to determine the Archbishop of Milan rested with the Holy Roman Emperor, Guido was still not out of the picture.
In 1069, with the backing of the new Emperor Henry IV, Guido tried to pass the title of Archbishop on to Gotofredo of Castigleone, creating a non Church-recognized “antibishop.” Gotofredo was immediately besieged in his castle. More violence broke out in 1072, and Gotofredo was arrested.
At this point, Guido asked Erlembaldo for his old title of Archbishop back.
Given Guido’s history, Erlembaldo was not particularly inclined to favor this proposal. He put Guido instead in San Celso (the same church where Saint Arialdo’s remains were interred), then later had him transferred far to the southwest to Bergoglio, a small town on the plains between Turin and Genoa.
Rather than Guido, Erlembaldo designated as the new Archbishop a young man named Atto—possibly the son of one of the four patarini originally proposed by the clergy for the Archbishop’s job in 1045, when Guido was installed instead. Emperor Henry IV objected vehemently.
But Henry soon found himself with more pressing matters to attend to, with Saxon revolts threatening his own reign. Henry ended up ceding his rights in Milan to the papacy, which by this time was occupied by Hildebrand, the longtime power behind the papal throne, under the name of Pope Gregory VII.
Staunch reformer that he was, Hildebrand/Gregory backed Erlembaldo and confirmed Atto.