A Most Unusual Artifact (13)

"Well," said McGinty, "that's the gist of it."


Now McGinty was energized.  "Anyway, that's past history.  What matters now is how we get it into production.  Where do start?"

The other man glanced at the carpet for a moment and shifted uncomfortably in his chair.

"I think maybe first I ought to tell you more about us."

McGinty looked puzzled.

"Actually, it's not usually our own money that we invest.  We're more like investment brokers.  We put people together with opportunities..."

McCinty still looked blank.

"Say a group of dentists want to pool their money and shoot for something big.   We'll try to match them up with something with potential that they might find appealing."

McGinty brightened "Well, having people be nice to you ought to be easy enough to sell.”

"Well...not necessarily.”

Now it was McGinty who wore the expression of astonishment.

"I'm afraid your product would tend to make people think of patent medicines, old-fashioned baldness remedies--may even Spanish Fly.  Not something with the right kinds of associations."

The man's expression was sympathetic.

"Right now bio-technology and bio-engineering are what's considered 'hot.’”

He looked at his desk, then back up at McGinty.

"We' d also be bucking your lack of credentials."

McGinty didn't know what to say.  He sat silently for a time.  Finally he rose from his chair.

The other man looked apologetic.  He had an afterthought.

"I'm not saying this is likely, but have you thought about trying to interest somebody from the University?  Maybe even to share credit?"