A New Approach to Both Gigantism and Tribalism

The first thing we need to understand is that oppressive gigantism of scale, like the toxic neo-tribalism it fosters, is not inevitable.  Neither is it irreversible.

Nor does successfully addressing it require tearing down whole interconnected systems of grand and mighty edifices. 

To use a metaphor, providing an effective counter to stultifying gigantism in a city’s architecture isn’t so much a matter of demolishing all the vast monolithic structures as it is of enabling smaller things, like cafes and bookshops, to sprout up among them, providing oases of human-scaling.

This principle applies as much to the socioeconomic realm as the aesthetic one. 

We can get a surprising personal boost simply from temporarily being in an environment that includes a number of smaller independent businesses.  It’s just easier to imagine ourselves hanging out our independent shingle in a neighborhood of little storefronts than in a vast, forbidding hardscape of only big-box megastores and megacorporate headquarters.  

Also, let’s not forget that it’s by our degree of economic success that Americans have traditionally and most commonly defined our significance in the world.  Make it more feasible for independent, ordinary people to amount to something economically, and their tendency to believe that the whole system needs demolition will decline correspondingly.